Become a Joykids Reseller Today

Why partner with Joykids?


Unique and Innovative Designs

At Joykids, we pride ourselves on our original, Melbourne-designed products. Our in-house design team focuses on creating unique, playful, and functional furniture that stands out in the market. Partnering with us means offering your customers something truly special and different from the standard fare.

Commitment to Quality

Quality is at the forefront of everything we do. From the careful selection of materials to the final product, we ensure that every piece of Joykids furniture meets the highest standards of safety and durability. This commitment extends to our manufacturing processes, where our skilled partners in China bring our designs to life with precision and care.

Environmental Responsibility

As a family-owned business, we are deeply committed to sustainability. Our furniture is made with eco-friendly materials, and we constantly strive to minimize our environmental impact. By partnering with Joykids, you align your business with these values, appealing to environmentally conscious consumers.

Growing Brand Recognition

Since our start in 2020, Joykids has been building a reputation for quality and innovation. As our brand continues to grow, so does the recognition and demand for our products. Partnering with us offers the opportunity to be associated with a rising name in the children's furniture sector.

Supportive Partnership

We value our wholesale partners and work closely with them to ensure mutual success. Our team provides comprehensive support, from marketing materials to sales strategies, ensuring that our partners have all they need to succeed.

Flexibility and Customization

Understanding that each retailer has unique needs, we offer flexibility in our partnership terms. Whether it's customizing orders or adapting to specific market demands, we are open to working with you to find the best solutions for your business.